Monday, November 20, 2023

Details Your Roofing Contractor Should Know

When you’re hiring a professional to work on your roof, there are some crucial details that you shouldn’t overlook. These details should be clearly outlined in the proposal you receive from the roofing contractor. In particular, you should pay close attention to product details and warranty information.

Roofing Contractor Tips

Product Details Matter

If you receive a proposal from a Greenville roofing contractor and it lacks specifics about the products they intend to use for your roofing project, you should be cautious. It’s essential that the proposal includes precise product details, including specifications and manufacturer information. This information matters because the quality of roofing products can vary significantly between manufacturers. Some brands may offer superior quality, while others may be subpar.

Without clear product details, it’s challenging to assess whether the materials being used are of high quality. This is crucial for your safety and the protection of your home. A weak or inferior roof can pose various risks, especially during storms and hurricanes.

What specific product details should be included in the proposal? Your residential roofing contractor should provide information about:

  • The manufacturer of each product.
  • The number of plies required for each membrane.
  • The specific type of plies to be used.
  • Materials for attaching insulation and membrane.
  • The precise steps and processes for attaching insulation and membrane.
  • The types of metals to be used in re-covering.

Additionally, ensure that all the roofing products selected by the contractor are approved for your area and meet local and state requirements. If possible, request the approval number to verify authenticity.

roofing-contractor-2-300x199.jpgWhen it comes to your roof’s flashings, consider conducting a thorough inspection with your contractor. This inspection can help identify necessary roof repairs or replacements and provide an opportunity to seek the contractor’s advice on any unusual situations involving flashings.

Avoid opting for a pitch pan or pitch pocket plan for your flashings, as these can be expensive and may not provide effective waterproofing. Pitch pan sealers can shrink, crack, and pull away if not properly maintained, leaving openings for water to enter your home.

Warranty Details

In addition to product specifics, it’s crucial to inquire about warranty details, both for the service provided and for each product and material used in your roofing project. The proposal should specify which warranties are manufacturer-backed and which are offered by the roofing contractor in Greenville SC.

Typically, a contractor’s warranty covers two years of workmanship. If a roofing contractor offers a shorter warranty, ask for an explanation and details on how they calculate warranties. For manufacturer warranties, it should be clear whether they cover both installation and materials or only the materials. Knowing the manufacturers of the products and materials used allows you to contact them directly to verify warranty information.

Request copies of the proposed warranties from both the contractor and the manufacturers to ensure you have your own records in case warranty services are needed.

Why Are These Details Important?

Having specific details in the proposal is essential, especially when considering multiple roofing contractors. These details make it easier to compare proposals and determine which contractor offers the best and most cost-effective solution.

When reviewing proposals, don’t just focus on the pricing. Take into account the types of products and materials to be used, the project’s duration, the offered warranties, and the outlined processes and steps. Roofing contractors may not all follow the same procedures or use identical materials.

Collecting all this information empowers you to make an informed decision when selecting the most suitable roofer in Greenville SC for your roofing project. If you find a contractor you’d like to work with but their proposal lacks specifics, request a revised proposal that includes all necessary details about materials, processes, and warranties. It’s always best to have a clear understanding of your roofing project’s important details before entering into any agreements.

For trustworthy services, consider hiring a reputable roofer in your area. Call KM Roof and Home Repair now.

Like our Facebook page for more information about our services.

KM Roof and Home Repair
Greenville, SC 29609

Areas Served: Piedmont SCFountain Inn SCSimpsonville SCGreer SCTaylors SCGreenville SCTravelers Rest SC

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